Save The Christmas! Cat Proof the Christmas Tree

cat proof

Would you like to live your holidays without caring about the cat demolishing your house?


The Christmas is almost here !!!

Imagine the atmosphere, the gold decorations, the colors of the lights and the smell that comes from the grandma’s kitchen…

You are landing on the coach with a satisfied happy smile, feeling good that outside is cold and inside is warm…

When suddenly…

Your cat teleports from nowhere and jumps on the Christmas tree, demolishing it.

How horrible and angry you feel now, after you thought you’ve done all the work around the house.

You don’t want to repeat the same experience this year.

Here’s a big fact about the Cat – Christmas tree relationship.

For a cat, the Christmas tree is exactly like a amusement park !

-Your cat can go through it or hide inside it.

-It has like 10,000 toys special made for her. Bright colors, spheric shapes, strings..

-It has a ton of lasers – the lights ! A cat gets engaged with only one laser ! But when you have 200, the cat goes crazy like a child in a toy-store !

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