Why my cat doesn’t use the litter box

Today in our wild wild documentary about felines… we are going to find the answer for the ancient question… “Why my cat doesn’t use the litter box”.


Why my cat doesn’t use the litter box

The dispute between cats and their litter boxes is the Number one reason why so many cats.. end up in shelters.

So many cat owners throw their cats away just because their cats urinated somewhere else than the litter box.

You don’t want to be one of these people – Please read on.

You have to understand why your cat avoids the litter box.

The biggest secret that can solve all of your problems about your cat is…

TRACKING YOUR CAT BEHAVIORS. By doing so, you’ll know the cause, and by knowing the cause, you’ll be able to eliminate it. Because you can’t eliminate a problem if you don’t know the problem !


There are 4 BIG reasons why a cat is urinating somewhere else than the litter box.

  1. Territory
  2. Preferences
  3. Medical Problems
  4. Family Anarchy


Also we’ve put out some PRO tips and TRAINING for your cat in order to use the litter box. Let’s get started.


1.The Cat’s territory

Cats are very territorial animals. They mark their territory using urine and by scratching the objects in their area.

Your house – Their Jungle

If your cat, feels, sees, hearts, believes something that can violate his area, the cat will start to market it. – That’s why your cat sprays urine on furniture and random places in your house. To show others who is in charge in hers area. The intruders can be your neighbor dog or just a animal who is nearby.


There is a big difference between marking the territory and urinating.

When a cat does mark her territory she stands up straight and back up against a vertical surface. This is called ” Spraying “.

When a cat urinates, she squat.

Best catch your cat in the action to see if she urinating or marking the territory.


Continue reading “Why my cat doesn’t use the litter box”

Why does my cat sleep in the litter box

Today in our kitty-wild-documentary about felines… we are going to answer the most weird question and common fact about cats… “why does my cat sleep in the litter box” ?


Cats … probably the most groomed creature from the planet earth. They spends hours just to clean themselves.

They shower more often than we wash our hands.


The big question is : “Why would they sleep in their own toilets?”


In order to answer this question you have to understand some concepts about cats.


Cats Mark their territory in two ways: Scratching and Peeing

AND The Litter box is the single place in a human house where a cat is allowed to urinate.

The litter box is the single thing that actually is owned by the cat.

It is more “private” even than the scratching post…

In a cat mind, the litter box is the “Safe Zone”.

Because it’s smell exactly like her !


Now, because you discovered the primordial relationship between cats and their toilets, let’s jump into the weird and unpleasant reasons why cats spend too much time in their litter.


#1: The stress factor and the “SAFE ZONE” 

This is the most common thing that happen.

Cats are very territorial creatures.

Based on that, they don’t like when something enters in their “Area”. – “The Area” being your house.

The cat has two option: Fight or Run

  Continue reading “Why does my cat sleep in the litter box”